
The British version of Amazon Prime member spending average is slightly lower because they skip the toothbrush buying. Amiright?!

Are you going to try your shirt technique to hide all the oil stains? You know, cover the whole driveway in oil so it hides the oil stains?

You might be a fan of Flight or Field Watch styles. They tend to be simple designs with high contrast, easy to read hour markers and hands. They won’t have features beyond a day date window, but that’s all you really need most of the time.

Personally, I’m a bigger fan of the Carrera than the Monaco. Don’t get me wrong, the Monaco can be very handsome and the Carrera is a little busy, but I have just been enamored with it, since the first time I saw it.

31's are plenty. That’s what I have on my Scout and I get over the speed bumps in Beverly Hills like NO problem.

Hey Ashley. You realize you helped get trump elected right? Has that fact gotten through your skull? I know you aren’t bright or talented but you helped trump tremendously. Good job. You did this.

Oh hey, you’re that idiot blogger who said Trump was never going to be president, right? I’ll be sure to never waste my time again on any other of your clueless blog posts.

Can you guys cool it for a couple days on all of the political articles?

I guess I don’t understand his platform that well, but I thought he took votes more from the Repubs than from Dems?

I am speechless with rage at all the idiots who thought it wasn’t worth going to the polls this election. I want to cry.

Though it’s not quite in the same league, just looking at that NX dislodged a long forgotten memory:

Until about 5 years ago they still used these in the motorcycle course here locally. Not as mint as the picture obviously, not a lever left intact on one of them

Those are the ones with electric starters and pro-link!

I always find myself looking for one... Soon... Soon...


I would like now to note how the shoes are facing. They are facing to the rear, facing the person who presumably took them off. This is important. Obviously anyone taking off their shoes would be facing forward, and any normal person would thusly place their shoes into the cubby facing forward. These shoes, however,

Uber drivers have absolutely no obligation to the company that “employs” them either. I’m amazed at how up in arms people are about Uber. Their workers are absolutely the definition of independent contractors.

Wow. Who are these Uber drivers who “wish to maintain their independent status,” rather than wishing for, say, higher pay and health insurance?

Me. This is a second job for me. I like being an independent contractor and the freedom that provides me. If I don’t feel I’m being paid what I should, I don’t have to work

If they were employees, they could unionize and demand workplace protections and health care benefits and all of the other things that our system provides to employees.

What’s a warranty?