
That picture. I love that movie.

Just reassure us that this is the best choice in it’s field. The 3-series has become crap over the last two generations, Audi seems to be taking styling cues from a melting cube of butter, and as great as the current Mercedes line looks inside and out, I can’t get over the iPad glued to the dash.

Excursions with the 7.3 diesel are highly sought after. My parents have had two or three of them. Still do. I’d buy one.

Now every time I ride my motorcycle I will be thinking “my brain will soon be exploding out of my neck.”

I apologize for calling you an idiot, it just seamed an obvious point to miss.

The last paragraph of the article, idiot-

Chelsea Clinton: “Heh, rookie.”

A friend of mine has both a V12 auto and the 4.2 manual. I agree with your view of the V12. Please don’t let it ruin your opinion of the car. The 4.2 manual is wonderful.

I was making a joke. It’s fairly well laid out, just not for the first time you try to understand it. My first job was in sales knocking doors in Salt Lake and trying to figure it out pre-smart phone era wasn’t easy.

I was making a joke. It’s fairly well laid out, just not for the first time you try to understand it. My first job was in sales knocking doors in Salt Lake and trying to figure it out pre-smart phone era wasn’t easy.

Almost as confusing as Salt Lake City.

I’m not sure what a “victem” is, but if you get fired for refusing to do something unsafe or unethical on the job, the California Labor Relations Department will come down like a hammer on the employer.

You’re kidding, right? This is California we’re talking about. There are plenty of labor laws on the books.

The only thing worse than the looks of the new Prius are constant plethora of absolutely terrible commercials they created for it. I’ve almost canceled my Hulu account because of them.

I guess I’m the only one who thinks this is a bit genius. Sure, it could be seen as being sketchy or taking advantage of someone, but I have to give props to the evil bastard who thought of this one.

My dad accidentally touched his wedding ring and a wrench across a car battery once. The gold ring was the weak link in that chain and it not only melted a good chunk of it, but had to go have it cut off his finger. It was quite painful.

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The sidecar boat is my favorite Pathe video.

As much as I love these, $13,500 is far too much. When I see these come up for sale locally (maybe once a year), they are usually a much more reasonable $5000-8000. I need to buy one.

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This is also known as the Rainbow Road shortcut.

fixed it for you.