
Of all the cars he sold, these are the three I would never part with if they were in my possession-

I broke my rule of never watching favorite childhood movies a few months ago and watched this when it came up on my amazon feed. This scene killed me.

This scene. Random car-related words thrown around.

Did they list a phone number? I know a guy...

I found this on my local craigslist too (Boise) and thought about sending it in. Then I thought “no, this is far too much crack pipe to be considered”.

The real spike is going to be in 2015 with the rise of the hoverboard user.

If all five of your cars were mildly abused former luxury vehicles, Tavarish would be there fixing them in no time.

Company owned, but one of them was my dad’s daily driver and he rarely towed with it. I don’t remember it ever getting better than 15-16 even on longer freeway-only trips.

I didn’t know the 6.0 was capable of this mileage. My parent’s company owned several of them from new to over 100k miles and never once came close to those numbers.

It’s a Gawker site. Even the Jalopnik staff can’t seem to help themselves from writing stories for the main Gawker page.

Anything before 2010 is very affordable. I’m holding out for a 2010 or newer LR4 or Range Rover because of all the updates and 5.0 engine.

I live in Boise, which has a very large amount of A-10's based here. I get to see them fly over the city all the time. One of the greatest planes ever made.

I would agree that the first gen Murc is a timeless design, especially with those wheels. The Sesto Elemento just ticks all the boxes for me. The exhaust location, the transaxle sticking out and the vents on the engine cover are incredible.

I still maintain that this is Lamborghini’s best work in decades.

Anyone who says this 488 looks bad- just remember what Mansory is really capable of when they are unrestrained. This Ferrari is pretty mild.

And you are missing the point that everyone with serious amounts of money is doing the same thing for their agenda. It’s nothing new and it will never change. The fact that I might agree with the Koch brother’s ideals is beside the point. They believe they are bettering the country with their ideals just as liberal

I have no problem with people disagreeing with their political view, but I have a huge problem with people not giving them credit for their philanthropic work as well.

Lame response. Take a look at how many hospitals and art venues the Koch brothers have funded.

Easy. Any E60 M5. It will simultaneously make you look (and sound) very rich, but it will keep you very, very poor.

Yet it’s funny how the only evil billionaire we ever hear about are the Koch brothers and not Soros, Gates, Buffet, and Zuckerberg who all do the exact same thing for their causes and interests.