
I’m from Oregon and this is the first cop car with standard plates I’ve ever seen. Every unmarked car I’ve seen still have the yellow plates.

My brother has a GSXR750. It’s probably the fastest bike I would ever buy. I don’t see myself buying anything larger than the Ducati Monster 750 I had for a while. My 80's Ducati Pantah 650has plenty of power for the riding I do.

You do realize the G-wagen is a whole 100lbs lighter than a new LC? Sure, it’s more compact, but the weight is the same.

I bought a 135i for my wife last year and it has been an amazing car. I’ve owned everything from E30's to E61 Wagons and the 135i is one of my favorite BMW’s. I don’t know how it stacks up next to a 2002 since I’ve only driven one once, but as far as modern cars go, the 135 is relatively small, fast and comfortable.

When shopping for a used car, I usually look at the last year a given generation of car is made. It usually depreciates the most.

Solid list. Missing a few Defenders though.

That’s what trade shows are for. Happens at every kind of show.

It isn’t going to take any sales from the base Tacoma, because the Tacoma has a lower entry price. It’s going to be as expensive as the average F-150, which I would buy because ecoBoost or V8.

I agree. The first couple videos of his I watched were somewhat entertaining, but they all follow the same forced humor and I just don’t care for them.


Am I the only one who thinks any of his videos are painful to watch?

Could be said about any video he does.

I will still jump at the chance to buy one of these next time I see one for sale within a reasonable distance. I love them.

I drove a TDI jetta for a while, which had much better mileage than a volt. I would consider switching to electric-only when the range is possible. As much as I want a current Tesla, the price makes it out of the question.

I have a 175 mile one-way commute for work ever other week (I work remotely but have to be at our factory fairly often for a few days at a time). If this ends up with a range closer to 250 miles, it would be tempting. I wonder if the range is estimated at a standard speed? I drive at about 72mph for most of my drive.

It’s not a battery gauge, it’s a gauge for the semi-hybrid “efficient dynamics” system. If you coast or go downhill, it stores the energy to use to power auxiliary systems.

2015 X5 is even better with the digital display with physical needles. This is my favorite dash to date.

Not really obnoxious, but there's an older couple who always come to our local cars and coffee with their Tesla and they always have the hood open while they sit in their matching Tesla folding chairs with matching sweaters and hats. It's an odd mixture of annoying/adorable.

Politics aside (I didn’t vote for him), I just didn’t find this episode funny. The great things about comedians in cars is that the people who come on the show just act normal and you get to see how regular they are, as well as being funny. Everything in this episode just felt too rehearsed or forced, or the president

I’d go E46. Manual, not the SMG. Dark grey on black. Classic, good looking style without being obnoxious or ultra modern like the E90 and up versions. I don’t think the newer M3’s will age as well as the E46 will.