
That interior is damn near perfect except for that slapped-on screen with the biggest bezel in the tech world. I wouldn’t even mind it as much if it fit the size of the screen itself, but that two inches of bezel kills me.

They are much better. I had an LR3 for a long time, which I bought for nothing with 40k miles on it. I was hoping to do the same with the LR4, but it hasn’t dropped nearly like the LR3 did when it was a few years old.

I, for one, am shocked at how these are holding their value. I’m used to waiting a few years and buying a used Rover for pennies on the dollar. It looks like I’ll have to wait much longer for these to drop in price.

Not sure why, but the Aztek sure is showing up a lot on Jalopnik these days...

If only her name was “Bridgette”. I’ll show myself out.

So the employees work an extra hour a week and the standard wage increase is reduced a bit? So what? If it’s agreeable on all sides, which it appears to be, this shouldn’t be controversial. I’d agree to the same thing if I were part of this car’s production.

I had a guy try to have me warranty a $900 E30 for three months. You know, “in case anything went wrong”. I told him that I could offer him a guarantee that something would go wrong within three months and I wasn’t going to give him his money back or answer his phone calls.

Most politicians don't know shit about cars. That's how we got ethanol in our fuel.

I was making more of a general statement on many of the engines designed for and around the WW2 era.

Perhaps the most impressive part of these engines is that they were designed on real paper. Most of us engineers now don’t hold a candle to engineers of the past because we’re lazy and use computers for everything.

Aniket Vardhan’s Musket engine is pretty damn fantastic. Max Hazan made it look that much better.

Came here to post this.

That’s true. I think the numbers are are somewhat blacked out, but the are LED backlit. It’s a combination of backlighting and LED displays. I wish I had taken a video to show how it all blends together so well. It really is incredible.

I want to say yes. I know it changes color with the different driving modes. I think you can change the background skin as well to a few different pre-installed patterns.

The new X5 has one of the best combinations because it uses physical needles along with the full digital dash. Having that depth with the physical needles is very satisfying.

Josef Mengele would be so proud of you.

I do give you props for being the one of the only liberals I’ve ever seen who admits that electic or hybrid cars are not as “clean” as everyone likes to think they are.

I’ve never seen these before, but that looks like pure Darwinism.

King of the “Final Edition” car. McLaren should take note and make 30 more.

Nothing to see here...