
Appropriately named News source.

Yeah, it’s a completely new engine aside from a few basic parts.

They used the same block as the standard KLR650 for that engine? That would be most impressive.

This is by far the most impressive diesel motorcycle engine created.

The compression ratios that diesel works at requires a substantially more robust block, forcing them to be made from very heavy iron or some extreme aluminum alloys. There are a few diesel bikes out there, but not with much success. Plus, diesel engines have very low rev range and do not accelerate like gas engines.

That is impressive. Well done.

I had a bugeye for years and then sold it. Drove one of these thinking it would be the same but with a bit better interior. I still can’t figure out exactly why, but the Saab version seemed cheaper and louder inside or at least had a lot more squeaks than the bugeye. Didn’t feel like the Bugeye I loved. I’d still love

This is only going to result in cops hands being shot installing it.

No, the problem is that we only hear about the .01% of LEO interactions that end badly or incorrectly. I’m not saying some cops are not at fault, intentionally or not, but very very few interactions result in a gun being draw, let alone being used.

I live in Boise. Very dry climate means rust is rarely a problem and thus many old cars. The problem is that the market here is still fairly small, so almost everything is overpriced due to lack of competition.

link added. Not sure how to go back and edit a comment to add a hyperlink.

I just spent a week with one of these and wrote a short review of it. I loved it.

Horacio Pagani does not get enough attention for his work. He and Christian Von Koeniggsegg are almost equal at the top of the chart for me.

The transmission. And it’s beautiful.

*edit, you’re right.

They tried this here in Boise, ID last summer. Boise is already a very bike-friendly city, but they thought it would be better to take the two main one-way streets across town which already have dedicated bus lanes and add a bike lane, leaving two lanes for cars. It took what was an easy drive across town (timed

Andrew is the best dressed of the Jalopnik crew, but I do have to laugh a bit when I watch the jalop videos. Doug’s videos are the biggest bunch of badly dressed nerds ever assembled. Except Jeannette. Jeannette should be in every jalop video.

Thank you for giving up on your war against guns. Please encourage your fellow “journalists” to do the same.

I’ve lived in every state on the west coast and now live in Idaho. Truck country.