
Being a younger libertarian/republican, this guy was a hero of mine a few years ago. Can't say I'm surprised a that a young, good looking politician let the power and ego get to him.

I have an 06 TDI with just under 100k on it. I've never had a single problem with it. It's been the most reliable car I've had. Extremely boring, but reliable.

All of the new Mercedes look like shit because of this screen. If they're going to do a stand-alone screen, at least make sure the bezel isn't from a fisher-price toy.


I'd like to see the breakdown of how many hours that go into each car. They claim about 4,000 hours goes into each one, which makes it about $100/hr which isn't too bad if true.

Loathe or love? I'm confused.

I've had an 06 manual diesel Jetta for a few years now. I put about 1200 miles a month on it for work. Dead reliable and 46mpg but flat out boring to drive. For being the Jalop dream car, it really isn't exciting in any way. I'm switching to an 08 535xi wagon next week.

I very much enjoy May's other shows. Hammond tries a bit too hard on his other shows, but are still enjoyable. The Post-Apocalyptic video they did together was the worst thing either of them have ever done.

Sounds like you need to watch 5th Gear instead. Clarkson is why we watch Top Gear.

I had almost the same thing happen a few years ago. Saw a deer going back and forth across the road in front of me. By the time I stopped, he was perpendicular to me on the right side of the road and he ran right into the passenger side of my C230. Took out the door, fender and his head flopped over the hood and his

The fact that he had to include the reason he was using the site to find a Prius makes him a tool to begin with. The fact that he demands a donation for the error makes him an even bigger tool than the typical Prius owner.

I've worked on all of my cars since I started buying and selling them at the age of 15. Most of the early cars needed quite a bit of work so many hours were spent working on them. I grew up in a machine shop in the family business, and am now a mechanical engineer so turning a wrench is sort of in my DNA.

This happens next

For most cars, the epa numbers are higher than true. I have an LR3 with a sticker that shows 14 city/18 higway. Even in just city driving, I get 16 and can fairly easily get 20mpg on the freeway. Not a significant improvement, but far from the "You'll never get more than 12mpg from a Rover" I constantly heard before

The most important question hasn't been asked yet- Does the engine have cam shafts?

With that bald head and sinister accent, I'm glad he's using his supervillain intelligence to only dominate the Mega Car industry. Or is it a front?

The VW Autostick was very similar with a pneumatic system. My dad had one back in the day-

That's called Panamera-vision.

Being from the Northwest, anyone with a Washington (state) plate is guaranteed to drive the exact same speed as the car next to them in a five lane freeway. I wouldn't say their skills as drivers are bad, they just have no idea what the left lanes are for. Incredibly frustrating.

Oh don't get me wrong, I like the EcoBoost engine a lot. I just think the Coyote engine has a great sound and fits the new Mustang perfectly. That being said, I would love to drive both back-to-back and see the difference.