
does the samsung ks8000 have good hdr, I’ve tried to tweak all the suggested settings posted online to maximize the hdr? I don’t have my old tv to do a side by side comparison but it feels like a gimmick Like I see it pop up and say hdr when I load a game but it doesn’t make me go wow this is way better like when I

this makes me excited just picked this up on sale from gamefly. Thought it would be a fun game to play with my wife. I’m always on the lookout for good coop games. We’ve recently been playing portal knights so something like this looks like is up our alley

the steam link works surprisingly well if you have a hard wired ethernet connection

the steam link works surprisingly well if you have a hard wired ethernet connection

A lesson that took me many years to realize. Now it’s clear as day to me

saying this out loud makes me feel like a spoiled kid but I would really love this on the switch. I do have a vita collecting dust but can’t bring myself to pull it from the depths of storage

Well it’s pretty much dirt cheap nowadays. People have spotted the console versions for $5 at a store called five below. I always like to let people know how to judge my opinions haha . Like hey this is coming from a guy who likes this and this so take it with a grain of salt haha

ok so I’m fully coming to the realization I just like bad things haha. Here are my faults. I love Battleborn and it’s one of my favorite games. I like the newest fantastic four movie and I played drawn to death last night till 5am when I had to be up at 8am for work. I had no idea it was 5am

wow this is actually making me lose interest in the game.

wow this is sad news. Zelda BOTW runs worse in the dock :( The whole appeal of the switch for me is probably way different than most. But there are some great games on handheld but I just can’t stand the tiny screen when I have a tv sitting in front of me. I’m rarely on the go so it feels so silly to have a small

aww man Alec is such a cool guy. I’m so proud of them for this game and getting to continue to make games that are interesting, personal, and beautiful

I hate to say it but growing up in FL the public school system was a joke. I actually got in trouble for doing my work b/c I finished before the other students. The teacher wanted to have us all write down our name on the paper. Then she wanted us all to slowly do a few problems together and this process was just so

this is glorious news. I used to think 2tb would be plenty of space muahahah

I mean to me all video games are supposed to be just for fun otherwise I can experience things that aren’t just for fun every day in real life

I haven’t played the game in a long time but this CTF has given me hope. I have been playing junkrat and having a blast

you know I can kind of see what you’re saying there. when I was just walking around in the demo completely vunerable I felt real fear. So if I had something to defend myself with I might feel a bit more confident

Man I could barely even open a door without being terrified in the demo when playing in VR. I actually never completed the demo and it made me not want to play the game lol. I was really excited that this was a full VR game and not an experience and then my pansy ass couldn’t even handle the demo haha

I have been waiting for this update ever since I got a ps4pro. I wish more people played. I kind of wish the game was being released for the first time now and prior was just alpha/beta. I just want people to play the game and it to be getting the continued support it’s been getting. If that means it goes free to play

Never put a 3ds in pocket before usually have a carrying case

now that’s the explanation I was wanting to hear. And now that makes sense why it needs so much room. Thanks for the info. But yeah it still is a bummer

I did that. I have a 2tb hdd and I had 100gb of free space and there was like a 1gb update for something and it told me there wasn’t enough room. I was wondering if there is some requirement where you need at least a specific percentage of your drive free for example 5% of 2tb is roughly 100gb