Yeah, but we live in the real world where people sometimes have to make choices and where either outcome isn’t perfect.
Yeah, but we live in the real world where people sometimes have to make choices and where either outcome isn’t perfect.
If Porter was an important source, it might not be smart to spend a chapter writing about what a garbage human being he was? Especially if these are allegations, not established facts.
That is not how history works. History isn’t made by individuals. To place the blame for the Tea Party at the feet of McCain or Palin is stupid. It ignores the various other factors that played a much more significant role in the creation of the Tea Party.
Syndicate is way better than AC3. Better protagonists, a clearer sense of where it wants to go, a far more interesting and developed world and overall better gameplay.
Can’t have one without the other. To take a stand on quality also means creating minimal standards which a game needs to have. Standards that go beyond ‘it doesn’t freeze my computer when I try to install it’ technical issues. Is an asset flip acceptable to sell if it offers some minimal form of gameplay? Yes or no,…
Because Steam has a near monopoly over digital distribution on PC? So it kind of matters for the people who put actual effort into actual games that are of good quality that their games aren’t buried beneath piles of cheaply produced pieces of shit or worse, blatant scams.
Finally, someone with some fucking common sense.
Its a fucking store. They can censor as much as they like, they can be biased as much as they want. Thats how stores work. No one accuses clothing stores if they only stock certain brands or certain types of clothes. No one accuses a women’s fashion store of being biased against men because they only sell clothes for…
In a world where shady devs are trying to rip customers off and Valve enables them by allowing them access in their store.
Following that logic, the choice between any kind of job that puts food on the table and going hungry isn’t a choice. Work therefor always equals slavery because no matter what you do for work, its never ‘really’ your choice.
To cover up deep personal insecurities about their place in the world.
Right, of all the angles they could have gone with this, they go for the one thing that refers to a real crime.
No but he does deserve praise for all the things he did right, and he did a lot of things right.
If you go all the way to the top you get a better chance of catching a bit with no one around. Most tourists don’t go all the way up.
Not on the front lines, but most certainly behind them. As partisans. Killing nazis.
In other words, having an opinion you disagree with.
Whats worse? A dead kid that murdered people, something they can bury, grieve over and move on. Or a living kid thats in jail for the rest of his natural life for murdering people, a constant reminder of their failure as parents and the evil and pain he has caused, and never any true closure and the ability to move on.
Right, the pope is desperate for those American and Western European souls. America, which is mostly protestant and Western Europe, which is either protestant, Atheist or both. Those really are the target audiences of the Catholic church, and not say Eastern Europe, Africa or South American, places where Catholicism…
No, not voting for tyrants is how you protect citizens from government tyranny.
No not really. As bad as abuse is, murder is still worse. Not suicide, murder. Two wrongs don’t make a right and she did something really fucking wrong.