
All I want for Christmas is to hang out with Simon Pegg and watch Point Break in my living room. The original Point Break.

I had no idea there were so many musicals adapted from films. These songs may be good, but can we privilege original work?

Fair point. Amend my comment to read "Sci-Fi/Fantasy."

I thought that series was outstanding. It's a shame SyFy is going to muck it all up. That trailer is a hot mess.

Honestly, if you're thinking of watching Star Wars for the first time as a 34 year old, don't bother. If you haven't seen it yet, you obviously didn't grow up with an interest in science fiction and it probably fails most modern expectations for sophisticated, nuanced Sci-Fi (Ex Machina, Sunshine, etc. it is not).

I'll always appreciate M. Night for Sixth Sense and Unbreakable. That first scene of Elijah's birth with the awesome Eamonn Walker (Kareem Said from OZ) is sensational. Night nails the superhero tropes.

I love that you guys have a book section, and I know it'll never be the most popular thing on this site, but what else can we throw at it to beef it up? Kindle book roundups? More author interviews? More comics stuff (Big Issues and and comics panel stuff is TERRIFIC by the way)? Thanks!