
I think the address should just be:

Good eye! I guess my thoughts were just wishful thinking...hoping that nothing bad could happen to a little pup like that.

It may just be folded sharply. That's what it looked like to me at :43, anyway.

A small town in Michigan?

Riding stairs isn't as hard or as scary as it looks. My buddy in college taught me in one sentence, 'Get your ass low and behind the seat, and keep it there.'

It's not an app, but if you want a great place for video tutorials, how to's, and other cool stuff to do with the HPTP look @

Ah. Apologies for the confusion. I'm fluent in German after 4 years of living there, but I didn't peg the accent as Polish. I just assumed it was Austrian because of the tag at the bottom of the video.

It's Austrian accented German. They're not saying much relevant...

I, too, have just learned to program in the last 3-4 years and was taught C++ in the technical school I attended. But I suspect this guy meant that the sophistication of the code involved in combination with the language choice probably points to 'old school' or 'experienced'.

I agree with your ideas, and I'll raise you one. I was thinking it should be able to just deliver the ball to the green and drop it in the hole.

I thought it was to convince people that IF they drop it face down, they should drop it again from a greater height face down... in the hopes that it will me iMagically healed but alas these people weren't so lucky. They need to just try it more and with bigger and more expensive gadgets. Where are these people's

He said that 99% percent of people who state statistics haven't done proper research. And that the other 1% have done the research, and have proper figures, but are just pathological liars.

One of my professors claimed that 80% of statistics are made up.

So he fit a gallon of shake in a 1-liter milk jug? That's talent.

Than we could of laughed at them. ;-)

Yeah, I'm on a Dell laptop and use F5 all the time. Mine has dedicated 'F' buttons, no need for the 'fn' key.

I was too, but I guessed he chose Vimeo to avoid confusion during loading.

It's too close to St. Patty's for this to be suspicious. I'll worry if it happens between April and February. If it happens in March, we celebrate it! :D

Yeah, I got all excited. I've been in Germany for 4.5 years and want to go bakc home to Florida this summer for 5 weeks. I knew of the restrictions on international flights, and thought I'd be able to at least look for return flights. But in addition to the international one-way restrictions, it can't handle a long

or Tasche = pocket.