
 Not necessarily a danger, but unfit. And yes that is a valid reason for removal from the home. My wife is a social worker, I’m a therapeutic mentor we’ve both worked with mentally handicapped parents as well as as abusive ones. In both situations there are salvageable cases as well utterly ruinous ones.


Forgive me for flinching at the idea of one of the most powerful corporations in the world that hosts the most used video sharing site in the world becoming the arbiter of what is and isn’t libel.

“YouTube is a service owned by a corporation - they ARE the arbiter of what gets posted there, who can post there, and whether the site even exists at all.”

Is “videos that promote stupid fucking ideas” one of them? Most of the guidelines are based around things that tend to be illegal / would get them sued into oblivion. That’s what the fuck I’m talking about.

It’s unclear why YouTube has allowed videos like these to proliferate.

As a member of society, I speak on our behalf.

Lol society failed a gifted, popular athlete with an extremely bright future and a massive multi million dollar contract? Yeah, he drew a really bad hand. If only there was something society could have done for him. More adulation, more opportunities! None of this was his fault. /s

Is he dead because of his own poor choices or society’s failures? This is very inconsistent.

Society failed him? Are you fucking kidding me?

As someone working airline logistics, you should do your fucking job so these situations get avoided in the first place.

So beating people up for their seats is worth a canceled flight, or the inabilty to plan ahead and not over book and let that still happen and beat up someone is still worth a canceled flight?

As a paying customer of an airline, it is not my responsibility to make sure the airline has their bases covered. Give me a break.

Maybe the airlines should do a better job of managing their own goddamn logistics? Ever think of that maybe?

You actually took the time to write that. This comment really happened.

As a passenger, I hope people remember that airlines need to manage their own shit and not ask paying passengers to do it for them.

Yeah the author doesn’t care. He had to meet his quota for the week for crappy filler content and some lame Reddit attack was easy for the hack to mash out. He made zero valid points. I’ve seen lots of racism and sexism on this site, on Reddit, on Facebook, on YouTube, on the internet, in the world. Saying a user

Thank goodness evil didn’t exist before Reddit. At least we can nip it in the bud before it grows much more. Luckily we know that smashing a groups method of assembly always works to suppress bad ideas. It’s not like they’d go underground and find less traceable ways to conspire.

If you subscribe to subs you’re interested in and default to the Front Page, Reddit is a mirror. If you hate what you see, it’s your own fault.

Why the Reddit hate? I’m fairly new to Reddit, and I love it! I haven’t seen a single corpse or racist post. I don’t go looking for that stuff, and my news feed is overwhelmingly positive. It’s pretty much replaced Facebook for me.