I was always partial to my friend's 'MY OTHER RIDE IS YOUR MOM' sticker on her car… but I am perennially 13 years old sometimes.
I was always partial to my friend's 'MY OTHER RIDE IS YOUR MOM' sticker on her car… but I am perennially 13 years old sometimes.
Thankfully they're pretty rare in Winnipeg, I've only seen them a handful of times and it was often a sask or alta plate… still, gross.
Not in Scotland
Yep, not that difficult.
As everyone else has said it's 'most famous' and Ebert wins by far. Pretty sure only one or two of my friends would know who Kael was.
I can see where you're coming from re: maybe telling Claire. But given Claire's age and David's more distant relationship with her at the beginning of the series perhaps not?
But I'd have to live in Chicago… I don't have that kind of time.
Spiked cookies work well.
Yeah, I've been saying this all along, I don't really get why they didn't go that route.
Oh hell that was good… I am really going to miss this show.
You fool! Can't you see it's a massive government conspiracy? —- Or have they gotten to you too?
The kids should have tried to form a rudimentary lathe.
That's a T, it goes 'tuh'
Some inspired editing choices!
Of course she's up there for an "undeserving E! star herself"
Viewing the credits posted earlier I was pretty surprised Dave Coulier a bunch of voices. Now I'm going to imagine Bunsen telling Gonzo to "Cut… it… out…"
Silence, I will not hear you denigrate Astar… He can put his arm back on and you can't.
Man… couple of great episodes in a row. Cancellation making me even sadder now.
The sheer number of people I've heard say "He was Shaggy?" since he died is mindboggling to me. That voice is so obviously Kasem to me.