Baron Von Costume

More or less, but the old bank account can vary pretty wildly in the particular month that lies between them.

Terrible username/comment synergy

I really hope so, I can see myself maybe picking one up come black friday or boxing day if there's a good bundle.

Yeah… given the fact that the xbone hasn't even been released in Japan yet it's not hard for the ps4 to be outselling it :p I'm no console fanboy and I certainly assume the ps4 will outsell it in Japan if only because of SONY but let's not make things up.

that and a big part of this was expanding the number of books available for the app (licensing fees I'm guessing) and developing new versions of the app for schools (particularly those in need) as well as a classroom teacher's version.

"usually … after each mass shooting" The fact that this combo of words is applicable is the saddest thing…

So he escaped the pirates but where is his non-celebrity companion?

Yeah it's terrifying when I accidentally use the wrong browser. I tried to leave it off for avclub for as long as possible but the latest round of 'here's stupid ads with the same photos you see on every site crammed into every possible space' made me give up.

dawn? ;)

Better than Mitt Romany… fucking gypsies.

This is why your average american eats 73.8 toothpicks per year.

He actually meant ranch dressing.

A lot of the film was shot in Toronto though. Would be nice if she brought the production to Winnipeg this time though. (If only cause I'd love to try and hang out with her hubby through some mutual connections.)

Or at least a more comprehensive psych eval. I mean, Troi is proof an entire counselor branch… surely they're not all as incompetent as her?

Especially considering how quickly Starfleet chews through officers.

My biggest problem with the earlier eps around him is that one minute he's smarter than anyone else on the ship super genius, the next he's somehow failing the Academy entrance exams. I get that the exams are supposed to be hard, but are we supposed to believe that Wes is somehow failing something that Worf passed?

All life is meaningless! (also salty)

so 'work' then.

In my experience it varies wildly depending on the disease and the person involved. There are plenty of things where what you mentioned is the norm but I've also known people who know they basically have 6 weeks to live, know that at best treatment is going to buy them 3 shitty weeks and instead go out and live as
