Baron von Blubba

Israel can pay for their own fucking missile defense systems. Is your argument that Israel is basically holding the lives of Gazans (who already disproportionately suffer and die every time a conflict breaks out) hostage to get the U.S. to pay for its missile defense system (which, as it stands now, allows it to kill

“Obvious prank makes for great misleading article header

It’s not great that she voted “present” instead of taking a stand, and it’s not great that she apparently did so for cynical political reasons (also, in the end, it’s not going to stop the criticism, it’s just a matter of changing the attack ad copy from “AOC voted ‘No’ on protecting Israeli lives” to “AOC refused to

The right wing has controlled the conversation around “supporting” Israel for too long- creating an all or nothing narrative where you have to blindly throw money and support at it or you’re an anti-Semite. Obviously, it’s a manipulation that has nothing to do with actually doing what’s in Israel’s best interest. But

Disclaimer: I’m dumb and confused.

Trump’s “Common People” was surprisingly moving.

The team was established as a way to show the health benefits of esports for older adults, as well as to impress the grandkids.

New retirement dream

Wow, it’s pretty rare to find a guy in Los Angeles who wrote 20 scripts that were never filmed!

I can only hope Gregg manages to turn things around this season and keep Tim focused on the movies.

Is this Rosetti the Rat’s alt account?

Sam Neill is in two of my three fave horror movies.

The fact that Tim gets to run around with his little business ventures instead of rotting in prison speaks to how broken our justice system is. 

I tend to believe that there aren’t any genres/subgenres of fiction that are truly played out, but Alien Invasion is so well-worn, and frequently seen still, that it’s kind of hard to believe that any new movie, book or series is going to be anything other than a reasonably well arranged set of familiar tropes (at

Astronomers Find Massive Space ‘Cavity’ Possibly Left Behind by Explosion

Same. I grew up watching her and discovered SO many bad movies through her (and Night Flight, Joe Bob Briggs and USA Up All Night) and I’m just happy for her. She always seemed awesome. I met her at a con and she was just fucking delightful.

Anyone see and hear Jon Stewart saying that when they read that post?

I soon discovered that we connected sexually in a way I’d never experienced.”

Decided she no longer preferred the P.