Baron von Blubba

Seal meat and shame, perhaps.

Tony Hale is a national treasure. Buster Bluth = ATG character, Gary Walsh=ATG character.

Whatever President Meyer wants. 

Maybe all the money that they put into taking a half-hour cruise around space could be put to taxes instead so that NASA could make some actual scientific achievement.

Because it’s entirely pointless and every single one is a vanity project costing billions.

They don't care about you either

Yeah. The Earth is like an especially crummy Thunderdome. Eight billion enter, none of us leave.

“Fleeing?” Ridiculous. There’s nowhere to go. 

160 bowling balls is lucky. 160 defective bowling balls is a curse.

Wow, a D’Angelo Full A! First since Toni Erdmann, back in 2016.

He was a pitch perfect straight-man for Harry Anderson.
“Hey Mac, you know if the Chicago Bears were playing in Detroit, and across town there was a baseball game, you know what you’d have? Lions, and Tigers, and Bears.”
“Oh my.” “You keep setting them up, I’ll keep knocking them down, sir.” 

I met Charlie when I was in customer service and was working security at Mattel Electronics during the height of the Intellivision craze. He was working on putting together a one man show based on the life of Paul Robeson. Very nice man.

Robinson was the secret weapon of that show. He could have easily faded into the background but he had a way of breathing magic into his lines. “You arrested my grandfather?!” and “The devil made me do it” pop into my head instantly.

Worth noting that the actresses in this case have 100% supported the movie and the way it was shot, in contrast to “Blue is the Warmest Color” where the actresses said the atmosphere was very exploitative. W/r/t “blasphemy,” I don’t believe in it, but I am not sure “this can’t be blasphemy because it actually happened

Graphic sex and nudity in a Paul Verhoeven film? Umm...he’s been doing this since the 70s.

Great, they can get two Cease and Desist orders instead of just one.

I feel Cyberpunk 2077 should not be missed. Yes, it’s a meme how poorly its launch was handled, it still basically being fundamentally broken in some ways regardless of platform. But for those of us who didn’t suffer the hype train or succumbed to gamer rage, AND played on a decent desktop setup (yes, we are a tiny

Thank god we’re past the moral hysteria of days gone by.

I was aware of the ‘video nasties’ scare when I moved from Canada to Britain in 1992, when it was a little past its heyday, perhaps, but still ongoing. However, it made a resurgence in 1993, when a two-year-old from Merseyside, James Bulger, was taken from a shopping mall by two 10-year-old boys and led to a rail