Baron von Blubba

naw fuck him. trash his ass. 

Until January, in the words of Leslie Knope:

Effect of this election #1,032:

*huge manatee

Oh the humanity....

I heard this and was super happy and then got a huge wave of anxiety. Trump supporters are not known for their mental stability and who knows what the idiot in chief is going to say today. I don’t think we will see civil war but I’d be surprise if no violence breaks out somewhere over this.


There is literal cheering in the streets of my Chicago neighborhood.

As long as there are Americans, there will be insufferable Thanksgivings

Well, it looks like I’m going to be the one whose insufferable at Thanksgiving this year, Dad.

Not only a personal tragedy for the people next to him but also for the arts as he had a vision and he was still developing it. Rest in peace.

Pushes up glasses.

That was my first thought. “Can’t wait to hide this beautiful woman under thick steel plating”.

So now you can look great. Under your helmet... 

If he doesn’t believe in conspiracies, why did he lock that facehugger in with Ripley and Newt?

and red faction was a blast so....whats the problem?

If feels like only yesterday that Savage Nobody was giving his first pieces of advice on how to deal with sex ghosts (sheds a tear).

I have, though. It’s like she believes me but...doesn’t, too, you know? Can’t convince herself, gets in her head. I want her to know my mood is *excited* but she’s anxious so she might read it as...IDK, pushy? Which I hate feeling like I am doing to her.

Tell her what you just told us. Make it clear for her that you want this to be fun and stress free for the both of you. You’ve said it yourself that this isn’t a dealbreaker, which should remove the pressure for her to do anything she doesn’t want to. If she’s as accepting as you say, I don’t think she’ll be terribly

How do you go about introducing your kinks to a new partner? I know she’s accepting of me/them but I have no idea of the timeframe and I’m worried about freaking her out. I want to come up with stress-free, fun ways to try things without making it seem like an obligation or a dealbreaker (which it ain’t, I mostly just