Baron von Blubba

If I give a movie a B+, I’m saying it might be in contention for the lower reaches of my best-of-the-year list. This is quite funny, but it *is* kind of a retread—of a movie I liked but probably would have given a B had I reviewed it upon release. B+ = see this movie, while B- is more, see this movie if you were

I may never watch Dracula Dead And Loving It again. But then I was going to do that anyway.

It was but I also know a lot of Trump loving Republicans who love that movie. In their mind, racial tension was something that did happen once but its all been fixed now. Its just “uppity” blacks who are still complaining even though racism was solved in 1978!

If after a full term, she wasn’t sure who he voted for, he is absolutely not typical to the average Trump voter... who cannot shut up about Trump, libtards, and how much they love when Trump trolls these same libtards.

Therefore, chalk this in the “con” column and continue to fuck him.

This is a sensible take, imo.

Your first response makes me worry about what happens in your bedroom.

I disagree with that last bit of advice. Yes, all the Trump voters I’ve had the misfortune of working with (or even just briefly interacting with) have been awful people with pathologically low levels of empathy for everyone else.

Did they try jiggling the handle?

Man, it must suck having such bad taste in comedy to think Tim Heidecker isn’t funny at all.

The description here makes it sound like a Neil Hamburger standup special, which is pretty much what one should expect from Tim Heidecker.

There’s no requirement to watch every video of every aspect of game making, it’s always allowed to NOT watch behind-the-scenes stuff if you’re not into seeing what goes on in the sausage factory.

But this doesn’t seem to be so much a roadtrip movie as a family reunion movie.  Which... ok, your statement applies there to.

I always thought gay uncles were meant to be hot?  Or is that just something I tell myself to get me through the lonely nights...

Paul Bettany is too beautiful to play anyone’s uncle.  Just look at that profile.  (don’t get offended all you uncles out there ...)

Roadtrip movies often have good casts because a bunch of the actors just get to pop in and do one scene and pick up a check

Yeah but Stephen Root and Margo Martindale? C’mon.

“When you get to Heaven, look up Margo Martindale! I won’t be there, BUT MY MOVIES WILL!”

That’s one hell of a cast. But my list of automatic passes includes “bigoted Southerners,” so it’s going to be a tough call.

Sophia Lillis was, in the first It at least, the clear standout. I like her a lot and am glad to see her keep cropping up.

I thought Ben Wheatley was a filmmaker with major potential after Kill List and Sightseers.  While I appreciate him trying to branch out, each successive movie of his since those has diminished returns until that initial promise has been squandered.