Baron von Blubba

29 years later and I still annoy the shit out of my mostly-non-KitH-watching coworkers by telling “My PEN!” whenever I misplace my pen.

Punitive damages? You know you fucked up when Canada wants to punish you.

Clearly he’s Dr. Doom.

So how’s his sex life?

Sounds like they’re tearing him apart.

I feel this way about pretty much every single comedian I’ve ever seen.

Wherever Michelle is now, I’m sure she is pissed off at missing the entire spectacle of the guy being caught. She earned the right to witness a dream come true. Most people who write about unsolved crimes like Jack the Ripper or Betty Short know it won’t ever be solved. This was thankfully different.

I like the progression from ‘The Isle’, to ‘Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...and Spring’, then to ‘3- Iron’. They seem to get slightly more accessible and romantic, while each one remains pretty equal parts bonkers and haunting.

Are race and gender remotely comparable? 

I always wondered why his portrayal was like two steps away from “how, white man - we smoke-um peace pipe and drink-um fire water”

Big warning sign — he says right there in his bio that “He tells people he lives in New York, but he really lives in New Jersey.”

Basically what I was thinking when I saw this, “Oh shit, THAT guy.” That “consulting” was such an embarrassing nothing that if you look up Chakotay’s tribe on Trek’s own wiki, you get “Chakotay’s tribe”.

Cherokee writer Jamake Highwater (actually Jewish journalist Jackie Marks)“


Bram Stoker (of Dracula fame) wrote the book “Famous Imposters” which has some overlap with this list:

Can’t wait for the A.V. Club to do a whole piece on Scarlett Johansson’s performance in this as well.

Sam Lloyd Jr. also did a lot of work at the Weston Playhouse, a small but highly-regarded summer theater in Vermont.

He was also Christopher Lloyd’s nephew.  RIP.

I feel lucky to have had the chance to see them. It was such a silly show but a lot of fun, and they all seemed to be having a great time. 

As each year passes more and more people discover the brilliance of Scrubs.

RIP Sam.