Baron von Blubba

On the contrary, it underlines and shouts the conflict for americans who don’t understand nuance. Cannes for dummies, that’s the difference.

Takes me back to several all-nighters in film school. Good thing he’s not, like, a professional director or something. Wait...

It’s actually not a bad name at all

I hope not

Yikes. Are you sure he is not the new god “Creep Media”?

Well, shit. It will join those other series that “made just about every major top ten list” but not enough people watch it and get cancelled anyway. It hurts everytime.

Alright alright, all of you and this article convinced me. I’ll give it a shot.

Re-Animator is an adaptation “in name only”? WTF?
Just because it was translated to contemporary times and more humorous doesn’t mean it’s not actually pretty faithful to the original. Look for another example to make your case.

Ah, the infamous Discouroboros

Who drew the dicks?

Because of her condition, this didn’t hit me as hard as 17 years ago when she was unexpectedly first diagnosed. Nevertheless, it does hit hard. My favorite female voice of any genre, it has been with me since I was a child and still moves me.
Rest peacefully, Marie.

To be fair, Cahiers du Cinéma has, at least, been consistent in its efforts to give us this absolutely massive headache
To be fair, they feel A.V. Club has been giving them absolutely massive eyerolls choosing Mad Max: Fury Road for the top spot.

Luce definitely drew the dicks AND was the Turd Burglar. Criminal mastermind.

Now this is excellent reporting. I salute you, sir!

I got news for you, from some site in the interwebs

THE Astin Martin? The long lost backwards brother of Sean Astin?

This is a no brainer. The person of the gender you aren’t attracted to should be extremely good looking to give this question a chance.
In my case, between Brad Pitt and the Robot Maria from Metropolis, I’d still fuck the robot. Why? The answer is in the question, because it’s what you’re attracted to.

“Ever since... American Beauty...-romantic depictions... as thrill rides... our gaze rarely averted by... bodies in motion... depicting the men... masochistically. [I]t enhances the urgency of... enormous sums of... energy... sucked” - A.A.Dowd

It is, not here though. One thing I’ve learned from the AV Club critics is that they rate/judge movies according to the director’s previous work. The film must live up to the standards the critic already has for the directors, and they decide which film is worthy of their genius or not.

The Terror: Delta Airlines