Baron von Blubba

I’m already getting ready to watch most of these in about a year from now!

Is it me or there has been a few career summation/homage movies lately? I’m thinking of the last from Lars Von Trier, Robert Redford and Michael Haneke for example. There’s and article idea.

This is monumental. 5 bags of popcorn for now. 6 bags when the Decker series is added.

I’m in as long as agent Kington, President Davidson and Dracula are in this too.

Butt rock? F you, sir.

Yay for another year of Dowd in Cannes. Looking forward to it as always.

That’s right, it has a some of the same elements TNG had to become a cult classic (sorry Voyager/Enterprise). And the “it was less watched at the time” reason doesn’t seem enough for me. The internet made it possible for any trekkie to catch up with all the series, just like any other cult classic that became a meme ph

Finally some recognition for DS9. Why it’s not as praised/memefied as TNG always baffled me.

I have to disagree with Dowd here. I think the whole approach is the most appealing thing about the film. It’s the restlessness of wanting to see what we all know happened that creates a certain crescendo on the viewer. That the ending shows us just the tip of the iceberg works as well, as a montage of all his crimes

I would’ve start calling him Little Shit for life

Please be back this season, Syrio.
Also, Miltos FTFW

Which space thriller doesn’t end up as a multi-generational Lord of the Flies? Don’t answer, I’m being rhetorical.

Excellent as always, Will!

Ironically, this movie is directed by a fake person too. The real director came up with the fake name after being a fan of American Idol Season 1.

I don’t remember seeing The Watcher, but now I would definitely attend future SpaderFests.

All the Sárdasovinia stuff sure seems inspired by Lou Reed’s influence in Czech Republic’s regime change.

Thanks Mark Walhberg for wasting precious years of Damián Szifron’s time. Fuck the Hollywood machine.


Sorry, I just watched it and needed to post that I found it great, a personal B+/A- material for me. Maybe because i’m a little tipsy and needed a good almost-cry. Maybe I’ll check out The Notebook after all.