Baron von Blubba

Without disqus, commenting here is like the make up department thanking an award

The Innocents is a clear example of a perfect translation from a literary work to film, regardless of genre. I’m afraid the series format will ignore the dicotomy of the novel, which I won’t spoil, because otherwise it would be a very difficult and tedious experience to endure through 10 episodes. Here’s hoping they

I hope he fries for that... *throws up in mouth

The lighting on that red T-800's teeth make it look really silly

Yes, it is a dumb post. You are all taking it way too seriously. My comment was more in the lines of “All religions were/are extremely anti-lgbtq since the dawn of time”. So some churches turned woke in the last few decades, great. I truly hope it helps, but I won’t ever give any religion credit.

Oh. K. Um. But which church isn’t infamously anti lgbt?

Hahaha that’s really funny, but seriously, where’s Tilda?

Fine, you may have your reasons. But that “circumcised penis only” is bullshit. Just pull your foreskin back like 80% of the world that is uncircumcised.

This. Given how many comments try to convince that condoms sucks, they do not.

Stop it, you had me at It’s Mads

The A.V. Club: we continue on our coverage of everything that goes through Jordan Peele’s head, the minutiae of his everyday life, and his grocery list.

You should write the damn movie

Stella Artois! Fuck me.
I mean, say what you want about the tenets of Craft Beer, dude, at least it’s an ethos.”

Hollywood reinvented the cowboys, the pirates, the ninjas, you name it. If it was and old archetype and had a weapon, you can create any hero or villain. The reality is that they were a lot more boring than what movies really need, and frankly, the old adage still works: Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good

Oh I totally forgot about this one. Thanks for the PTSD flashbacks of hearing this everyday on MTV.

Oh, that’s just sad(e)

I’m all in! (utero)

Oh well, at least these movies serve a purpose: a great nasty review by Dowd, swinging for the fences.

99% of people watching Black Mirror have no idea who Charlie Brooker is. Their loss.

Didn’t even need to watch the whole trailer, I’m all up for Madsploitation