Baron von Blubba

The man is innocent, it was all Dr. San’s fault.

“ little story in this sea of stories.”
Ugh. Thank god they didn’t tried to Crash that finale.

Does anybody remember laughter?

No Jerry Buting or normcore icon Dean Strang, no deal

...aaaaand I wasn’t wrong

Hi doggy statue!

Ditto. Classic “any excuse to show some video” article.

Cronenberg + lightsabers = fleshlights

Poor Barsanti still dreams of an umbrella-flying George Lucas

Wait. Was Alex Jones created by Tim & Eric all along?

That Half-Life intro blew my mind. It set a benchmark for game storytelling.

Except that the producers tried that with George Lazenby, top model of the year and someone who “oozed sexual assurance”.

Here in Argentina, Humberto Velez and the rest of the mexican voices are living gods and superior to the originals. Also true for Alf and Get Smart.

Yup. But so far, this apology reads as “I was a terrible boss and others were too”. So, whenever he’s ready to own up, swallow that Affleck pride and stop being vague, we’ll see.

wtf is epix lol

Man, I predict I’m gonna watch that doc in a very dusty room

I’m sure they played The New Radicals on an hour loop

Science must be fun at parties

Thank you for this!