Baron von Blubba

Nobody looks particularly happy to be there
The Commentariat

Disqus again

Metal music still has an unaddressed kawaii problem

Oh please don't let it be the case. I left that clickbait monstrosity for this site many years ago.

I think he should definitely return to the U.S. on his own terms, and let the unseal of the secret transcript in the good hands of PricewaterhouseCoopers.

or at least Jesse Plemons


Oscar-winning film Suicide Squad
Oh man, too soon

James Woods climbs up the stage and makes fun of Ack Ack's shoes


I'm okay with Moonlight or LLL

Isabelle or Emma for me, they both deserve it

that was the biggest surprise of the night for me, yay!

2016 is grinning now

now THAT was worse than the tourists bit

This just proves Suicide Squad is superior to Star Wars

we all say that each year

well duh

let's go Toni

Toni Erdmann FTW