Baron von Blubba

sounds like The Big Bang Theory in book form…. *hurls


I guess this would be the perfect vehicle for, you guessed it: Taylor Kitsch
(the new Frank Stallone)

I knew someone would mention Alan Moore and reduce him and his entire work and influence (specially for GM) to the "rape-y" stuff.

Is "Liam Shreiber" related to Liam Gallagher?

About the album, perfection, 10/10.
About me, my musical career began with the drums, mainly because of Nirvana.
Then I heard I'll Stick Around, and decided to buy a guitar.
"I don't owe you anything" my ass, I owe him so much for being my main musical role model growing up.

I will dare watch this even if it's no good. You may call that my sacrifice.

Chilton freakin' sings??? Made my day!

Daniel:still pitching a real script for Cleaver

you forgot to mention best Sound design and Music in any series.
but you mentioned Deadwood so I'll let it go.

You don't fool us, we know it's you, Internet!

You're not alone, dude. Sometimes I just don't read the article's title. Then I saw the Bogus Journey clip image and my mind screamed "NO WAY!".
Thankfully, it was Yes Way.

No kidding. I've been a few months around here, and Dikghazi is already one of my favorite news of all time. OF ALL TIME.

We're AV Clubbers. We don't date.

those masks fucked me up as a kid.
perhaps my favorite of the saga.

He was playing Monkey Wrench and rushed the "Fall in, Fall out" part :/

Well, now you ruined it :(

I hereby and henceforth put forth the proposition that Josh Modell be banned from writing about FNM forever, and be damned to listen to Loverboy, let's say, every weekend.

Well, that worked because he wasn't acting. Fifty-seven stuntmen died on sets.

And what about Johnny Sins? what is it about bald guys that they always get cast as space men?