Baron von Blubba

you had me at Toira


Trancers I, II & III

You can go about your business. Move along… move along.

both of you, take a seat right over there

RC: No. I have never been intimidated by anyone.

I quit some yeaaaars ago, man. I had to get a life.

thank god the writer explained the video at the end, Internet!


whaaat? they finally continued The Longest Journey's saga??!!
I owe you, Merve. Nothing sexual, if possible.

someone should do a Random Random Roles on Will, and ask him about his favourite interviews

"Keiko’s Actually Dead"
well, of course, the name of my next band…

you don't know how Spoiler Alerts work, don't you?

the true cosmic horror is watching a nihilist protagonist suddenly believe in God after 8 episodes of not doing that at all, then thank the almighty for his Oscar

mmmyeah, I can see Dennis Quaid losing his shit at Dikachu

god damn, just as soon as I thought it was awesome :/

Oh you snot-nosed teen hacker you!

Well, he also "accidentally" stepped all over an argentinian flag, thrown by a fan during a concert there. So yeah, big fans of the Bieb.

What would happen today if a middle-aged lead actress in a series gets overshadowed by a tall young voluptuous blonde? In a social media environment, the backlash would (and should) prevent it from happening.
I feel sorry for Mulgrew and Ryan both, for being put in that position by the network.

…clever girl