Baron von Blubba

confirmed actor Johnny Depp is handling vocals for a new metal
supergroup featuring members of Sweeneytoddon, John Dillinger Escape Plan,
Deppklok, and The Mars Wonka.

I beg to differ.
Belay that. I COMMAND you to differ.

Ditto. But "Netfree" instead of Netflix.

FanFiction done right: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
FF overdone: Abe Lincoln vampire hunter, and so on
FF done wrong: just for porn's sake

I guess by now, I would prefer to watch something different which can be disastrous, than a "totally recommended" traditional horror film.
A while back, someone suggested I watch The Conjuring, Insidious and Sinister. I did, and even though I can't say they're "bad", they definitely feel traditional/trope-y. I think

Out of all of them, Martyrs was my favorite. I still await for a horror film to top that one (super violent + intellectual horror).
I'll glady check out recommendations of unique, great films, unlike these "more of the same" shit.

Man Getting Hit By Rook

The old tradition of "let's show the main actress for half the trailer but let's not name her, just five guys instead" trailer

AmericaWorks just fired you, Internet

Grand Moff indeed

your guess was Frank Stallone too?

uff.. too many words. I'll be concise.
Kreia > Yoda
HK-47 > any SW robot

My god…
Where has this been all my life?

Sure, but make it a documentary.

Seriously, I still own my Man-E-Faces action figure.
Don't look at me like that.

Just him.
Call it "The Expendable".
That's it everybody, thanks for playing!

Stephen King instead of Carver, huh?

I don't need a half hour essay to tell me that JIM STEINMAN IS GOD.
Maybe watching will make it all coming back to you now, who knows.

C'mon. If Wes Anderson were to direct this, he would call it The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Must EVERY article be a snarky, pedantic dismissal about any subject?
House of Cards is great. Kevin Spacey is great. Fuck all, go write your own damn show.
*walks backwards while flipping the bird to everyone in the room