Baron von Blubba

Best idea I ever heard. Not gonna donate a single yen but silently admire it.

thank god they casted Sam Rockwell to save the day
-Dad, this house is haunted!
-Step back
*dusts off dancing shoes

Oh, splendid. Now we won't even be able to afford a goddamn Kodak moment.

Somewhere, Joaquin Phoenix is throwing a dvd copy of I'm Still Here into the trash.

is your friend Sarah Silverman?

Try April Ryan from The Longest Journey. Awesome adventure game series, excellently written. She can be clever, snarky, emotional, and swear from time to time.

Life Is Strange is an episodic game starring Maxine Caulfield, a senior at…

rewatching that Oz sketch, I just realized Lee Tergesen/Beecher had a perfect Seinfeld-like timing and rapport. Give that guy a comedy gig, pronto.

I thank the gods I´d never seen that Marty Feldman´s cover when I was young.
Already I expect insomnia tonight…

someone should do a Too Many Cook's style sketch of a series of love triangles, where each new character looks passionately from a distance to a different new character, and so on.
this one´s for free, Funny or Die

"…her concerns are so conspicuous, resting right on the film’s surface"
I couldn't disagree more. The lack of a main classic plot, without which most hollywood films would be helpless, doesn't mean this movie becomes aimless and superficial. You have to dig deep about what the scenes are describing, which is more than

I'll attend as soon as I get my degree from Wendell Pierce's Fuuuuck University

Damn, that's a controversial view on gay relationships. I expected more from a member of the respectable Dooshbaghe family.