
Awesome! :D Enjoy the terror!

At the very least, check out the first and second, especially the second, and make sure you get a look at the differnet endings. I feel like a let's play might cause it to lose some of it's impact vs. actually playing it, but you should still get a good sense of things. Then, if you want more, take a look at the third

I remember her mostly from Scott Pilgrim. She was... okay in that. It was a asmall part. I *think* she was also in the Twilight movies, but you can hardly blame her for how those turned out. Not sure where the fascination comes from, but there are worse choices for it out there.

Way more people than you'd care to imagine, disgustingly.

'But life is not binary'

"who's to say Netflix won't be able to take control of the net one day using these!"

'voluntarily and with the intention to relinquish U.S. citizenship'

Maybe, but that doesn't mean it's not fun to do anyway.

Authorial intent is dead, dude. Catch up with the last century.

To be fair, there *might* be something to that 'red influences your day' thing. Apart from psyhcologically fed reactions to colours, which are common, red and blue light have been shown to affect mood, sleeping patterns, and thyroid function in different ways, among other things. Astrology is nonsensical, though I'm

I'm not being picky about the way that you phrased that (especially since smugly 'correcting' people for their use of common colloquialisms contributes nothing to this discussion), I'm just pointing out that she did not use this discussion to attack the concept of organic food as a whole, like you did. It's perfectly

Well the term 'debunked' is problematic in itself, particularly in this circumstance, given that this is not what Gwen Pearson is saying.

Oh and, probably not needed since this is Jezebel but nonetheless, have a cursory (very very) NSFW!

Rich son of a famous guy, looks like douche, is a douche. Quelle surprise!