a new generation of struggling white poors. do not forget that this bullshit is as motivated by racist Othering of non-white immigrants as anything else.
a new generation of struggling white poors. do not forget that this bullshit is as motivated by racist Othering of non-white immigrants as anything else.
Exactly - so we can have a new generation of struggling poors. Republicans don’t want to KILL the poor. They want to keep the poor right where they are, desperate and struggling and filled with the illusion that they’re going to strike it rich any day now if they just keep shoveling that shit. That’s where the cheap,…
I’ll tell Paul Ryan the same thing I tell my parents and all their noisy friends: you want me to have babies, create an environment where having and raising a child doesn’t cost an entire adult person’s salary and I’ll think about it.
I’ve been expecting the day they’d say this sort of shit. I’ve always believed these anti-abortion types were really scared about being “outbred” by those dirty non-Whites/immigrants they hate so much and therefore want to stop abortions to keep the White American population up.
Yeah? I should have kids? I’m in my mid 30s, unmarried, don’t own a home, and I’m still paying off extensive student loans. You fuckers have made it impossible for this generation to afford anything, and yet you think we should procreate so we can, what, have a new generation of struggling poors?
So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their…
I agree. There are so many black men who have been molested because cops have overly frisked them because they suspect or smell something. I wonder how Racism smells.....It smells like the burning flesh of Jews and the incarceration of black males. Racism has an odor and its nauseated.
Friend, please read up on the origins of law enforcement agencies in the states. They were slavecatchers. The institution of law enforcement was *designed* to do exactly what it’s doing: maintain White supremacy. When it became socially unacceptable to do it outright, laws and language changed to give policing a…
I’ve been wrongfully imprisoned before...it was terrifying. I can’t inagine what it was like for her. I was an adult but because of a clerical error, literally someone just leaving a piece of paper on their desk instead of filing it, I answered a doorbell one night to find multiple cops fully kitted out asking for…
Those police officers should be in prison for endangering the welfare of a minor and for kidnapping.
There’s a lot more going on with his suicide than just him being exposed as a rapist. I say this because there is going to be an avalanche of blame (and harassment and worse) directed at his victim. Before he blessedly relieved the Earth of his presence, a local public radio station was publishing an ongoing…
Christians who blame Satan for anything are the worst. The devil did NOT make you do it. He didn’t possess your body and pilot you like a meat mecha and make you do bad things. YOU did the bad things. YOU rationalized what you were doing. YOU ARE A BAD PERSON! Satan A. Doesn’t exist and B. If he did exist he’d be…
No, at best people vote in their “perceived” best interest. It’s a subtle difference, but it’s there.
Oh, don’t worry RE: Duke of Windsor, they don’t miss him and hit the wall in this season. It’s so good, this season has been really quite brilliant, with some really stand out episodes.
I don’t get why so many people get so shocked that white women keep voting the way they have for decades. White women who vote republican choose there race over gender. They want to uphold white supremacy because it benefits them.
We keep telling you guys. White women don’t care about embracing other historically oppressed and marginalized groups. They don’t want all people to be treated equally. They want to be equal to white men and that’s it. Even for so called feminists, that’s the only goal of feminism. They benefit too much from white…
“...Hayek, as a then-struggling Mexican actress” Right. Hayek has never struggled. She came from a wealthy family and by the time she made Frida, already had double digit films under her belt. Saying she was a “struggling actress” lumps her into the group of all the other women who have zero power in this situation.…
Dana Schwartz is ahead of you:
I was one of those people. I never got far enough to be preyed on by big timers, as there were enough of the predatory scumbags at the low levels to stop me in my tracks.
One of the many sad, infuriating things about all of this, is how many women; actresses, directors, producers and writers, left the business because of Swinestein and the men like him? How many great stories have we missed out on?