Jeez, that girl’s Facebook is heartbreaking. An artist who wanted to start a support group at school for people with anxiety and panic issues. Against corporate prisons and anti-Trump. It sounds like she was fairly level-headed.
Jeez, that girl’s Facebook is heartbreaking. An artist who wanted to start a support group at school for people with anxiety and panic issues. Against corporate prisons and anti-Trump. It sounds like she was fairly level-headed.
This is pretty much why my child will never be allowed to play in a house that has guns in it.
In Germany gun permits are only valid for 3 years and people applying for one have to go through a test to evaluate their character/sanity and their need for a gun. A person must be at higher risk than the general population and a gun has to be a reasonable tool for minimizing that risk* to be deemed as in need of a…
Congress has actually blocked the CDC and NIH from being able to study gun violence (even though 34000 Americans die per year).
Shhh. If his essence has been switched, it can only be an improvement.
To me it sounds like a cheery English nickname for breakfast. Nigel! Colin! Come downstairs for brexit!
Brexit, no matter what the outcome (stay guys, don’t be dumb)will not affect the amount of cocaine currently being imported into the UK, so calm down Linds; nobody believes you're into politics.
Are her tweets completely incomprehensible or am I just tired? What does this even mean?
What’s a magazine?
The problems of pretty young white girls. God bless them
Came here to make this exact joke. We are of one mind.
Well... two or three of their tweets weren’t bad. The rest of you can fuck right off.
So I don’t mean to redirect the discussion, but I wanted to share a personal, positive anecdote. I’ve been reading Jezebel for a while, and commenting here as well. I’ve really tried to take to heart all the great comments and articles I’ve read, about all the challenges that still face women today.
Things I have learned since I moved to Ohio lo these (7) many years ago.
Ohio is like landlocked Florida; it isn’t an accident that Gummo is set in Ohio. Mrs. Compiler believes that Gummo is essentially a documentary, and I can’t really argue the point.
Are they trying out for the sequel to the Michael Douglas flick “Falling Down”, now with an all-female cast of vigilantes?
When explorers started going around the Earth, they used the stars to find their way around. While the oceans and…