barnum brownie

In actual helpfulness, I think you can find them by clicking on the author's profile.

Well there's the 50 Shades of Gray remake we actually need and want.

I'll try to help: G'day mate! Drop bears! Fairy bread!

What could they even do for the third season to top this one? Extra incest? Double cannibalism? An actual fetal transplant… maybe this time to one of the Farragut brothers? A new menacing eye color? More dead monkeys?

It was pretty meta when he said "I don't even know what kind of man I am."

I love how each episode somehow tops the last. What can we do to make this show weirder and more horrifying? Incest. Now what tops incest? How about some cannibalism. Damn, what can we do next? Double down on the incest, I guess.

I wonder why the disease makes people talk like pirates.

I sincerely hope the line about "y'all better not make babies" from Francis wasn't foreshadowing.

I never listen to a word Lola says.

If only a crossover episode was feasible…

There are still pretty and ridiculous dresses to ogle. I'm 99% sure at this point that this show is just an extended commercial for Renaissance-themed prom dresses.

Remind me never to get knocked up on a sci-fi show. Nobody ever gets a normal pregnancy in sci-fi.

I was supposed to be at the Philadelphia airport today but postponed my travel plans after yesterday's nasty weather. I watched all of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt instead. Thank you, act of nature, for taking me down the road less traveled. I was grabbed, but in a good way.

Maybe her tits really are that bad. We didn't get to see.

I thought perhaps that the kid would grow up to help Julia out in the future, so I was not expecting him to die so cheerfully at the end.

It's awful and I love it.

It's wild shit with a catchy soundtrack.

- I think Kyle is Texas? I could be wrong.

Also it's nice to see Meaghan Rath on TV playing a corporeal form!

Don't underestimate the power of a small stick.