barnum brownie

Helix is the funniest show on television. I laugh my head off Daniel-style at least once or twice an episode.

This show and its stupid sexy human rights abuses.

My theory: Latin Lover Narrator is Sin Rostro.

Henry could have still bought a cat like he said he would last week, right?

How many more episodes remain? If Henry does not have a cat next week I will be sorely disappointed.

She could become Defiance's "Ann Landers" and start a real shitstorm.

It's like he's never seen the show before!

Somewhat disappointed Stahma didn't book an appointment with Treasure Doll and kill her by snapping her in half.

With one or two more o's, I could see what you mean, but as it is I'll have to disagree. More o's next time.

With the right mods one can probably find that in the video game as well.

She is so consistently alien. I love it. Yewll attempts to assimilate to put her patients at ease; Irisa was raised by a human father; Alak emphasizes that he was born on Earth a lot. Stahma is actively trying to destroy the parts of her culture that don't serve her goals anymore, but still the way she's doing it is

The drugs might have been there to help odor. If Castithans can smell pregnancy, they can probably sniff out impostors pretty readily.