Barnum & Bailey Kipper's POV

Captain Kirk doing The Real Slim Shady in spoken word with the energy being looking on in admiration is freaking hilarious.

"Come on Bender. Pump harder!"
"I'm trying as hard as I can."

You're welcome! It was a great review. I get what you are saying but I think its not just about Leela. She's on his mind for sure, but like you said, he totally appreciates the future and everything too and they don't say it outright but I think its definitely part of it.

Hah! I loved that show, dude! It made no sense, but it was awesome! You're totally right though, nobody remembers or talks about it anymore.

Yeah, I posted it somewhere else in the comments (I think, this comment system is confusing) but some guy on reddit posted a good review that defends the episode along the same lines. Fry totally has good reason to be mad.

I really like The Why of Fry and I think the impact of the reveal and what it shows us about Fry is pretty cool. It's neat a twist that his power comes from doing the nasty in the pasty!
There was a review someone posted on reddit yesterday (ducks) that lays out a good case for it.

It's like the Nibblonian who's on first.

It's awesome that Zoidberg mentions wanting to eat the Shroud of Turin. I feel like they could have done a sequel episode to this one based on that!

I was totally not expecting the gut punch of the end of Jurassic Bark. Here I am, just watching a regular comedy show and the boom - dead dog. What a sucker punch to the feels.