
the sonia hate is crazy, I'm convinced you guys just love finding things to nitpick

Pete is very good at being a fucking trashcan of a human being.

I guess I won't illegally download them now……

I wasn't around for this show, but my older brother apparently thought Sabrina was a spinoff of Clarissa.

Jeez, someone sure is acting like a pissy old man.

I'm honestly over the moon about this new deal. Set game times, UniMas with english audio (i'm sure they'll get great announcers too. Univision's soccer coverage is always top notch, even in MLS games), and ESPN3 will have all non-national games. I'm guessing if you're subscribed to a cable package, you get it with no

It's been a thing here for a while too, I kinda resent LA for it too. They get the big stars and all the attention from the owners, and we get barely anything.

Tickets are cheap? I don't know, to be honest.

Yea, they were forced to sell because of that. They're rebranding next season.

I thought the same owner issue was only a thing in MLS (Los Angeles and Houston have the same owner, hell we even had back to back finals with them)

It's refreshing to finally have a final without America again. And as for the actual teams in the final, I don't pay a lot of attention to Liga MX, but I thought Pachuca and Leon weren't doing too well this half of the season. Surprised they were both able to pull it together.

I'm mostly happy about our squad, tbh. I could do without Omar Gonzales (i think he's way overrated), but it's still a good lineup. And thank god Eddie Johnson and Brek Shea aren't going. EJ has looked terrible at DC all year (and it's not like DC is terrible this year, either, they look MUCH better, though that still

God, i'm so nervous about Saturday. I know they can pull it off, but part of me thinks they'll revert back to their choking ways. the good news is, arsenal has been playing really good since 80's minute of the semis.

Personally, I think the good friday massacre is a better fight than fight night at the joe.

ehhhh….sure it's not the greatest of albums, but a C- is a bit harsh. I'd give it about a sold B or maybe a B+. It's not better than Brothers, but its better than El Camino. The only song I really dislike is the title track.

I thought it began the minute they became popular?

i'm laughing too hard at "bring me your mugs"

this is the dumbest comment i've ever read, sorry. as someone already mentioned, he's a great storyteller. and his music is good to begin with.

yea, they're far removed from being a relevant band people actually care about. I don't see any reason enough to complain about them anymore unless they are on the radio.

I knew a guy who thought rap was the worst thing ever, he was also a huge Three Days Grace fan.