
It's a miracle!

I remember one time catching the John K ranger smith cartoons on adult swim and wondering what the hell was happening and how it happened

"That's kentucky shark and he has BEEN THERE!"

Birdman is probably my favorite original adult swim show

Is that like a diplo cartoon? Please say yes.

That's a great one, but after I was reminded of The Dressing is my favorite episode "I ate butter straight out of the tube cause it tastes good. Everything in life happens for a reason."

It aired right after rick and morty

And Neon Bible, and Suburbs. I don't think this person has listened to them ever lol

Mumford and Sons make middle of the road alt rock, get C

Given Mumford's weird Americana obsession, it's probably like the killers wannabe-Springsteen Sam's Town and not the fun new wave of Hot Fuss.

Hey I genuinly love that unlistenable garbage, fyi

Do you mean Coldplay? Because they sound nothing like arcade fire at all. I don't get this comparison.

Saw her last week at sxsw, she was amazing and I cannot wait to listen to this

Saw them last spring, it may have been one of the top 5 moments of my life

honestly i'm pretty sure this exists just to get us hyped as fuck for views from the 6, which good job drake, I am fucking hyped for it now

drake should be a considered a fucking hero just for making tyga mad

Fuck, I even like Kesha and hated that thing. It screamed "trying to be relevant again" so badly.

Shoutout to all the pear