
“Whoa whoa! You can plan parenthood?”

Completely different. You get a speeding ticket for breaking a rule so paying in pennies is being an ass for being caught breaking a rule. In this case, he bought a car, with the full intention of paying for it and enjoying it, and was completely screwed over by the manufacturer. What rule did he break?

Man imagine the cornfed blue collar football guys they will attract. No glory boys, just good players from good families who will really become students of the game. I say go for it.

+1 time Hannah Storm gets a break from this shit

This is why I don’t have a family.

Big deal. Penn State has had arcade games, trampolines, pony rides, and free candy in the locker room since the early 80's.

I don’t think the angry white people who elected the Orange Man would have elected a socialist Jew, no matter how excited millenials were about him.

I was waiting for the inevitable false equivalence. Thanks.

You want to know who on the Department of Energy believes in climate change, you orange dipshit? Everyone. Stupid fuck.

If you think this is batshit, you should see Peter Thiel’s intro letter in the latest catalog for Restoration Software.

Wow... I bet all those “Never Hillary” morons are so glad that their vote didn’t count and Hillary won the election anyway...

People who work for the Federal Government and simultaneously preach self-sufficiency are my favorite.

As long as they don’t get captured…

Actually, research shows that term limits do nothing. You get the same politicians in office, only now they are more inexperienced and dependent on interest groups and lobbyist for information about the complex issues they face.

God save us from President Pence.

Do you think one more vote in New York would have turned this election?

60 million racists.

Don’t blame me, I voted for Jill Stein.

In 2000 people were worried about stupidity taking power and slowing social change. It wasn’t nearly as disappointing as the idea of hate taking power and reversing civil rights.

Black president