
Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?

This exact phrase, sometimes scribbled on the production notes, sometimes whispered in a voicemail message, is exactly what got him in trouble in the first place.

Oh sure, I bet you think all CEOs look alike.

C’mon man, you have to own your comedy. “Jaropnik” was worthy of a star but the backpedaling just ruined it...

This is insulting to children and babies.

Why would I want actual information about an upcoming vehicle I might be interested in when I can have all of this snark!

Stein, lol

I agree that Clinton was historically way too far right (and she at least apologized and called those views as mistakes that she regretted) however, Sanders, Warren and Stein said all the right things but any intelligent American who read their websites up and down would realize, all three had no plan at all. They

Don’t let GWB off the hook for the mere fact that he said some words that were less insane than 45's. He was a monster who caused what will probably prove to be centuries of devastation through the Middle East. He also paved the way for 45 - this has to be laid at his feet to some degree.

My well-bred aunt always said that people who use the word “classy” are anything but.

Good review. A lot of folks complain that it slows down the game, but you gotta take the time and make the right call.

Oh no, it’s very American. In most of the rest of the world, beef is far too expensive to be wasted like that.

My guess is she still sitting in the shower, fully clothed, under the hottest running water she can stand, staring at the tiles and alternating between mumbling prayers and soundlessly sobbing.

But her e-mails.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this article isn’t about you.

I love that you don’t even see what you did here.

50 miles each way is a short commute? Jesus people, move closer to work!

True. But at least Bush might’ve been fun to have a beer with back in his coke n’booze days. Trump’s pretty much always been an asshole.

Both Tom Perez and Keith Ellison are excellent choices. Either one will be an advocate for progressive causes. I would pick Perez only because I would rather the DNC chair not be an active member of congress and have to be worried about his or her own seat, but Ellison’s great as well.

reddit-style humor...yuk yuk