barney suit

Brings back memories of when I was but a young lad, striving for greatness in Little League. I....wasn’t much of a hitter, and when it came down to our last game, with the post-season tournament on the line, I ended up at the plate with the tying run on third. Down to our last out, and me...ME! of the worst

Joe Biden is also a complete moron.

+1 rolling thunder

Cars (even police cars/SUVs) in the hottest parts of the US (ie: not Virginia) stay cool in the middle of summer with the hood shut. I’m all for excuses...but they need to be believable.

i’m more team edward.

I c an live with the anthem if we can just get baseball teams to stop with fucking “God Bless America”

David, can you do me a favor? I’m reading Jalopnik on my phone and I only see 17 ads on this page. I think we can squeeze a few more in without breaking up the flow. Thanks!

I agree. It was a total dick move.

No, not really. That isn’t what “freedom of speech” means.

A Dirk Diggler style C3 is my accessible dream car.

That’s standard operating procedure at SFO. It’s called Closely-Spaced Parallel Operations (CSPO).

Yes you can. $45,000 plus warranty.


“I know nothing about cars ex­cept what I personally like...”

Sorry, but you're incorrect. If you check the source they got this from, you'll see that everything is in cL. You could obviously use fl. oz...but you could also use gallons if you wanted.