
Well, since orangutans are apes, you have nothing to worry about.

I was watching this movie the other day and got secondhand embarrassment because of this scene. It is so, so bad.

I can’t even watch this part of the movie. I’m really delighted by the rest of it, but this particular scene is just too embarrassing for an asshole like me.

Oh look a misogynist who doesn't like female politicians what a shocker.

Polls have shown that Warren inspires far more excitement than any of the other VP candidates. A lot of Hillary supporters, including me, are going to be very disappointed if she’s not the pick. I truly believe she’s the best in terms of going up against Trump, and I think it would be great to have her voice in the

Please leave Warren in the Senate where she ties down an important seat and still kicks ass just as much as if she was the VP. What happened to politics? She's amazing but we don't need her on the ticket she's doing a lot of good where she is.

Hillary is already smart and vicious. A VP does not need to be funny. See also: Joe Biden. (He’s not intentionally funny)

Every liberal I personally know voted for Bernie and now every single one of them, myself included, is getting behind Hillary. We’re giving too much of a voice to the Bernie or Bust contingent who are a teeny tiny minority of his supporters and are people who probably do not generally vote and if they do, they don’t

I have tried, but I still can’t understand the “I love Bernie, which means I hate Hillary so much I’ll vote for Trump” process.

Don’t go to the wedding. Seriously.

It’s good advice. The problem is men rape women when they’re drunk because it’s easier. But if every woman stopped drinking tomorrow, men would still commit rape. Perhaps by putting date rape drugs into nonalcoholic drinks instead of alcoholic drinks. What then? Should women stop drinking anything in public? Women in

If you got so drunk that a mugger noticed and decided to take advantage of that, a lawyer wouldn’t attempt to use your drunkenness to get the mugger off charges.

One reason we get so annoyed about this is because we can follow all these dumb rules and still get raped. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped drunk. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped sober. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped by strangers. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped by friends. People want to set up all these

I’m going with “Sulu was not closeted, he just didn’t bring his personal life to work.”

Well first of all, the idea that we’re “twisting Gene Roddenberry’s creation” is like... well, I don’t remember Spock and Uhura Pon Farring in the original. And I don’t remember a whole lot of other shit in nuTrek being in TOS either. We kinda already crossed that bridge a while ago.

But isn’t the whole point of the new Star Trek that it’s in a completely different universe than the original?

Nobody was really talking about Tom before any of this, so this has been extraordinary for his brand. Now when he shows up for a movie premiere it’s a big deal because he could have Taylor Swift on his arm. Before this, he didn’t have a lot of excitement at his movie premieres because he wasn’t a box office draw like

He’s only 35????????!?!?!??!?!

What strikes me so strangely about this pairing is that Taylor seems as though she’s about 16 - that’s how her music reads, that’s how her style reads, that’s how her beautiful baby face reads. Tom, on the other hand, comes across as a grown-ass man. How much of this perception is sexism and unconscious bias, I