
This makes me absolutely livid. I literally just read a story about a young trans teen who committed suicide before coming here and seeing this. As I processed that story, I thought about how strong my adult trans friends must be to have even made it to adulthood in this fucked up world we live in where everyone from


Congratulations on that amazing accomplishment. Losing weight is one of the hardest things a person can do. Kudos!

Welcome to Counter-Point, where you get a second opinion from that guy who’s either a nerd in a jock’s body or a jock in a nerd’s body, but whose girlfriend totally calls him a nerd so there you go:

I never liked oatmeal because I believed the common notion that it had to be sweet. Then one day it occurred to me that oats, like rice, are a grain, and, like rice, they can be given the savory treatment. These days I cook my oats in boiling chicken broth, and then I’ll stir in one egg, mixing until the egg is

“Terrorism declared legal for white people.”

They all are (apologies for hugeness!)

As a fat person, I would really like to see decent basics. A fucking white button down that doesn’t immediately pop open at my boobs. Jeans that aren’t jeggins- or “mom jeans”. Tee shirts and cardigans that aren’t priced 3 times as much as the skinny version (ahem-Old Navy) Just plain, well tailored clothes. Jesus, is

I would just like to add perogies to the list. I cook them, then pan fry them with light oil, salt, and pepper - to give them a real crisp crust while maintaining the softer inside.

Indeed. I promised myself to do 5 miles on the bike when I bought it two months ago. Just five miles, then I would re-evaluate how long to go the next time. I did it, and I promised myself seven miles, then nine, then eleven...

Sweet flavors in oatmeal are bullshit. Here’s what you do: chop up a bunch of carrots and onions (and some cabbage if you’re feeling super hungry or have spare time), and saute that shit with oil in a pan like a human being. Toss your steel-cut oats into boiling water with a little salt and cook til it’s oatmeal-like

I’m glad this is being corrected- the myth of illness as inspiration, not the ear thing- because it’s a cruel lie. He was not propelled to genius by his illness. He was an artistic genius who was severely hampered in his life and art due to his illness, who suffered to death from his illness. There’s nothing romantic

The Government also just announced that they will be will be updating Gender Recognition Act 2004. Under the changes they will make sure that being transgender will no longer be deemed a mental illness by any public body/doctor and people will not have to go through unnecessary loopholes. They will also not require

I’d also like to throw Insight Timer into the mix for folks who might like free and also like variety. It’s got a great timer, and a mix of guided meditations from folks such as Tara Brach, Joseph Goldstein and others.

FitBit Charge HR because it is easy to use, does everything you need, synchs with other apps and phones. Have had it over a year without complaints, snafus or glitches. What is UP with that...oh, you didn’t ask for my LEAST favorite tracker? Sorry! Bought mine at Target.

FitBit Charge HR because it is easy to use, does everything you need, synchs with other apps and phones. Have had it

I feel you. A nurse who took my vitals while I was training for a tri said "Wow, we normally only see this kind of heart rate in athletes!" I told her I was an athlete and she just looked confused. Apparently size 12 and athlete are incompatible in her world.

I run 4x a week. Still fat. I have a resting heart rate in the high 50s and my blood pressure and cholesteral are awesome. I have thyroid disease and even with daily medication it is nearly impossible (not IMPOSSIBLE but would require 800 calories a day) to lose anything. I'm so tired of people equating thiness with

I think a core lack of understanding on behalf of Kang is that obesity in this country is heavily (haha) tied to socioeconomic status. Being healthy in this county is expensive. Knowing how to cook a well rounded meal and how to circuit train is something of a luxury to grow up knowing.
When you have little money and