@★☆★ Waka ★☆★: Or just give consoles a keyboard and mouse.
@★☆★ Waka ★☆★: Or just give consoles a keyboard and mouse.
@Tuor_of_Gondolin: It's right there in your games list, above Half-Life 2.
People in pods suspended by a tether under a blimp. Really? What are the concept artists over there smoking?
@Pray4Mojo: I see what you did thar.
Sounds to me like Kotick couldn't handle a little creative criticism about his character and went whining to his lawyers or something to get Tim to stop.
Schafer is the man, man.
@Microshock: It appalls me that their 250GB hard drive is $130. I could buy a terabyte for less.
"Does it make sense to buy a new chip for a platform that's a dead man walking when a new platform and a Core i3 or Phenom II will deliver a lot more power for your money?"
A bumper for $30? Only Apple would charge that much for a strip of rubber with holes cut in it.
Public intoxication in a private residence.
@Keylow: Nothing like setting up a ton of Russian armor occupying a ton, then setting up a flight of Apache's to come wipe 'em out, all of it at dusk.
Gritty and realistic, this game is anything but. Realistic? You have GOT to be joking.
@Keyelite: Why can't people just make Onslaught only servers?
@Nexus6: If you were thinking of The Thing, you're dead wrong in that it needs to be remade.
This is a post about Snake (Plissken) and yet, no clip from Escape from New York? For shame.
@Robert Kotick: So we should buy a poorly made game in retaliation?
"PC gamer may get their Onslaught on too. DICE is "investigating the possibility."
@Merricat: The devs have repeatedly said that. Go watch some interviews.