
They pay their talent millions of dollars for their work...except when they don't feel like it.

@Variatas: It doesn't matter. He didn't portray the guy in a bad light, he was even a friend of the main character in the book.

@bakana: To be fair, Billy Dee is more of an artist and a musician than an actor.

@Variatas: Tom Clancy isn't a racist. He has a black man elected to the Presidency in one of his books even.

Gonna be starting up a playthrough of X-Com again in anticipation for Xenonauts.

@c-rag: It would make sense if they did that, but they're not. Who knows what is going through the minds of the publishers. Probably dollar signs.

@c-rag: I think what he means is, a big developer like 2K Marin can't afford to make niche games like a spiritual successor to X-Com. They've gotta market it to enough people that it makes plenty of cash, and the blend of turn based squad combat and the global strategy involved just wouldn't attract as many players

Oh man, that interface in the first screenshot made me squeal with glee.

@Barman1942: Oh, and Chryssallids better be downright brickshitting material.

What's this I hear about you playing as an FBI agent? In an X-COM game? Whose brilliant idea was that? Dunno about you, but I would rather start out as a jumpsuit wearing rookie that works his way up the chain, eventually getting a sweet ass flying suit and a blaster bomb.

@DocSeuss: Way to over-simplify the plot of Half-Life 2. You can do that to ANY story.

@DocSeuss: Invading a small nation with a laughable military and no nuclear arsenal is one thing, launching an all out invasion of a super power with nukes because they found one, single, dead American terrorist in an airport massacre is entirely different. It's laughable and stupid.

@Kieferkuroi: I hated that because it was rather poor in comparison with the Tom Clancy thriller feel of the first MW.

@Ivan Williams: Yeah, it earned a ton of money. So did Transformers 2.

@Alex_Mexico: How am I supposed to have any sort of attachment to the game if the story is nonsensical and poorly written? If an FPS doesn't have a good story, and no new game mechanics, what's the point? To mindlessly mow down wave after wave of enemy? A game can't ride on that alone, because that gets old really,

@Vajesticles: You can't deny the plot of MW2 was really stupid, even if it was somewhat emotionally engaging.

@Variatas: Sadly, I had to pirate Vampire the Masquerade as well. I was planning on buying it, but then I learned the devs went under right after the game was released, and now Activision owns it. No point in buying it anymore.

@PowerButton: Everybody my ass. I didn't buy this game. I've stopped buying Activision games ever since.

@T Spoon: As soon as I saw the big, red monitors in the Russian base and the ridiculous red mech the Russians had, it's starting to make me think that Ghost Recon is going the way of C&C.

How about they just remove the pants-on-head retarded DRM as an apology?