
As always very insightful article by Jesus... Or should I say completely ignorant and far fetched? How did you bring oil extraction and Arctic into this is anybody's guess. It just shows that you know nothing about Russia, and the little you know you get from Fox or some other propaganda website.

@KevinO: What do you know about anything related to Russia except Chernobyl? People like you are very annoying - you like to talk without knowing the subject.

@Graviton1066: Not if those meals are small - then they actually make you healthier :)

@CurtD032: I would like to know what you think about things like Twitter or Facebook status or some other social site out there :)

@acidrain69: I like your stand on social networking crap :)

All social networks are about looking cool by people who are starving for attention. I actually feel very sorry for all these Facebook, Foursquare, etc. sites because for most of them these sites give a false sense of connection with others, a false sense of being cool or needed, a false sense of having friends. The

@♥♦ Goopplesoft ♣♠: I guess it's clowns like you, who make the world laugh at the US. Good job, Mr. Uneducated White Trash !

Look at the fanboys finding new ways to praise their God - Apple! :) I would think that after Apple screwed you guys up with iPhone 4 leak it would be good enough reason for you to get closer to reality, but it doesn't look that way. Haha :)

@gebinsk: "Not release any information you aren't comfortable with.."? Huh? Ever heard about others tagging you in pictures, making comments, or even posting inappropriate images/videos? I guess you live in some weird bubble...

@KillerBee: iPhone 4 unlocked is about the same price. So, not that much difference, I'd say.

@sid9221: What is irrational in that? All those security measures are complete bullshit and you gotta be an idiot to believe in that.

@Ninelight: You're a little too naive. All corporations and governments want is dumb, obeying consumers, who only care about bread and circuses. And there you go - modern North American society is exactly that.

It's funny that you think that "politicians don't realize"... They do realize, but they don't give a shit, because populous is just a herd to them and they benefit from corporations that are multinational now and all they care about is consumerism. Baffles me that people still believe in good in politicians and think

@tinkerer13: Haha :) Good way to start all this crap here :)

People stupidity and weridness has no boundaries.

@EvanSei (lord of the gerbils): Hard to clean grease off of glass? Hrmm.. I think it's very easy. Just don't leave all the crap on your stove for month - it's very easy to clean it after cooking - takes 2-3 minutes.

@EvanSei (lord of the gerbils): I've had ceramic top stoves and they were very easy to clean. Way easier than any other electric stoves. All you need - is any kitchen cleaning solution or special for such stove tops and a plastic scour pad (?) does the job magically. So this stove would be easy to clean and no, you