
@FrankenPC: Be careful holding your breath.. :) As for boats... There are none where I usually dive.

@FrankenPC: Hrmm.. Strange that I don't notice that much noise except the air bubbles going out of a reg down there all around coral reefs. And I do dive quite a lot.

@AdamKaoru: I agree - I'm tired of application icons on my phone. I want an overview of emails, sms, calendar entries, etc - use that screen for something usefull, not just icons.

@Joe Stoner: People modify their personal things the way THEY like it. Believe it or not, nobody cares about your opinion on style or color scheme or anything else except few poor souls that find your opinion better than their own taste. And that's the beauty of it - that's how people come up with stuff - creativity

@luckycharms: I guess it takes only one time to realize why you would need such a feature. But then it'll be too late.