Bark M

Yes, the steering wheel was not my favorite. Probably my only true complaint about the car.

Unless you’re a truly gifted driver, the electronic aids will make you faster. At the end of the day, I think that’s what matters. However, as I said in the final paragraphs, it’s a price each individual will have to decide if he is willing to pay.

They’ll sell every one that they make. If you read the article, you’ll see that they are a custom-order only.

I genuinely suck at photography. You can see some of my pics on my instagram @barkm302st.

If you’re not entirely familiar with my writings, I don’t blame you for thinking this way. However, I’ve been accused of being the biggest Ford fanboy on the planet (Fiesta ST/Boss 302/Flex owner), and these two cars just don’t seen like they’re in the same stratosphere. $156k is not the same as $400k+. I don’t find

I think it’s a safe car, and I mean that positively. It feels Ohioan in the sense that everything works the way it should. and nothing is overly intimidating to the newish supercar driver. If you’re an executive in the suburbs of Cincinnati or Columbus, there’s no reason that you couldn’t daily drive this thing 8-10

No. No, he cannot.

You seem nice!

I will be honored to carry the victory torch for Jalopnik this weekend. Bark does not lose at karting.

I know who did that. And I think he did it twice. :)

I’d recommend going here:

Basically, if someone is faster than you, let them by. Every second you spend trying to keep someone who is legitimately faster than you are from getting by you is time wasted, especially in an endurance race. While you’re fighting off somebody, the rest of the field is running away from you.

I look forward to beating all of you.

No, this was the August event. You can still see the mark on the wall where the Bimmer hit, though.

Absolutely. Contact me @barkm302.

NCM is my home track. Hit me up @barkm302 on Twitter and I'd be glad to help in any way I can.

I tend to agree, but that doesn't make me sound as awesome.

I did take iPhone pics. They were bad. We opted not to use them after I wrote the article. I didn't go back to edit the copy. Feel free to see my instagram feed @bark_m_302st if you really, really must see them.

1) I have about 100 articles posted over at TTAC, and this is my second post here this week. My bio got omitted from this post due to Travis’ being busy driving some new little fancy convertible around a race track today.

Nothing in life is free. This is doubly true when it's coming from an OEM.