
It's still the same old story

In The Magicians, Quentin's final project is to fly to the moon. He messes up, but I believe he later succeeds.

Lazarus Long, time travel in space ship. Check.

The famous weapon carried by the elf king Gil-galad was a spear. The battle weapon of choice for elves in the first age seems to have been the sword, you know, like the one Gandalf carries around.

My monitor is 1600 x 900 so that site looks a bit sparse. With my browser window shrunk to about 2/3 of that it looks OK. If you want something that looks more like what you're expecting, click on the Activewear link. There are actual pictures and everything.

EA seems off in relation to surrounding R and S?

The margarine I buy tastes better to me than various other brands of butter I've purchased.

I suspect the US TV people want to own more of the product by making a new one rather than just showing the original.

If you get the audiobooks, get the ones read by Robert Inglis. had a multi-cast recording with Harlan Ellison. Ellison reads many things well, but this was not one of them.

Polynesian is how I picture the raft people.

No mention of Connections?

When we finally meet, I will shake your hand and *not* tell you anything about how fantastic slide rules are.

Don't know about LED, but LCD displays will use much less power.

Wonderful for use as adjustable rate currency conversion tools. You don't have to type in new values to convert, just set the rate and read the answer off the scale.