
It would look like the original Mini, hopefully.

So long as they don't occupy the same space at the same time.

Only the rich and the poor slaves that mined the lead had much trouble with lead poisoning. For the rich it wasn't the pipes, it was the fine lead tableware and lead sweetened wines and lead based cosmetics.

Indeed, in London Holmes would dress as any other gentleman. He had clean shirts delivered to his campsite in The Hound of the Baskervilles.

Already knowing that he would not get the job, the potential hire told the great man to go fuck himself. "There, I am now working from supporting information!"

Let it breath and then smother it. Wine torture!

I was looking at bits of the movie this weekend. Am I right in believing that the time travel project in the movie did not intend to reverse anything? They just wanted virus samples to work with to improve the dreadful future.

Hire a personal taster.

El puerto espacial Mos Eisley.

I translated jamoke to mook in my head. Perhaps an alternate spelling of moke, which is related to or a shortened form of jamoke.

If you don't mind a ten-fold fluctuation in price and an inconsistent product.

Gotta time yourself rounding up the cat and tying off three legs.

Gotta time yourself rounding up the cat and tying off three legs.

Guillotine Chic: You Gotta Look Sharp

Old news to me. Bought a suit for the junior prom in 1980 and thought it was one color while everyone else told me it was some other color entirely.

I used to live near this big building out in the farm lands around Ann Arbor. It was a big concrete building with microwave relays that said it belongs to Detroit Edison. Weren't a lot of power lines or anything running to it, so I wasn't clear what the facility was for.

Do you wanna kill a snowman?

Wasn't the mentat training a requirement for becoming the other two?

Some of the better absinthe is made with wine spirits

Here's some radio dramas for you then:

Constantine being Constantine has surely suspected Manny. Even if Manny were playing straight Constantine wouldn't trust him.