I was talking about socio-political views, not words. Can you distinguish the difference? Obviously not.
What about that Muslim rape crisis?
I was talking about socio-political views, not words. Can you distinguish the difference? Obviously not.
What about that Muslim rape crisis?
What about that Muslim rape crisis in Western Europe Lippy?
I was not talking about words, per se, but socio-political views.
Like I said, if the fleece fits………….
If the fleece fits………………
No conservatives that I know say that. Screw you for calling me a liar, which is par for the course for liberals, i.e., schoolyard ad hominem attacks. I guess you don't care about Western Europeans being raped, huh?
Conservatives say that? No conservatives that I know have said that.
For the record, screw you for calling me a liar. That seems to be the standard liberal response, i.e., puerile ad hominem attacks. I care about ALL women who are raped. Why don't you care about the rape crisis in Western Europe?
Boy, you are truly a class act.
Liberals deny that there is a rape crisis in Europe courtesy of those poor Muslim "refugees." Liberals deny the reality that most Muslims put sharia law above the laws of the countries that have taken them in. Liberals champion Muslims, many of whom treat women as slaves and beat, disfigure or kill women and gays. …
Sure, the technology that created that complex display of all of these drones will be available next year. Uh huh.
Sheeple are people who cannot see that Big Brother is using the false left/right paradigm to divide-and-conquer the commoners. By the way kid, I'm 57, so take your condescending attitude somewhere else.
Liberals have been wreaking destruction and violence for the last month and a half, not conservatives.
Liberals are the ones who wreaked destruction and violence since Trump was elected. not conservatives.
I'm 57 kid, so please dispense with the puerile condescension. These drones were all controlled by computer; I don't think that you can buy them on Amazon. As for pentagrams, they are a sign of magic; upside down pentagrams are a sign of black magic. You've got quite a bit of learnin' to do.
YOU are the ones committing wholesale violence across the country, not conservatives.
Not once have I said on here that I support Trump. You, like most of the sheeple, cannot see that both sides are being played against each other by Big Brother. The difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives are not wreaking havoc and violence across the country.
Yes, that's why it's liberals who are burning stuff down, ganging up on people and pepper spraying woman.
And yes, most liberals (as well as conservatives) fail to see the Luciferian aspects of the global elite who brainwash them. Even though I'm agnostic, it is obvious that the power elite worship evil.
Every single time I try to debate a liberal and cite facts, they reply with schoolyard insults and zero substance. Frankly, they make me want to puke. Just FYI, I'm agnostic, which always seems to throw them for a loop (some just call me a liar, which pretty much ends any hope of rational debate).
You pathetic cowards would fold in a second in a real fight, which is why you have to gang up on people and target women. You are the lowest scum.