
Bullshit. Professional tennis players are significany bigger and stronger than the general population. Many are 6'5" and taller.

Sorry, I think this is dumb. You can buy a used racing kart for that much. It will not only be literally several times faster, but also less prone to snapping in half all of the sudden.

I once saw an S15 with plates (I think it had plates) at a drift event back in the day, I asked them how they got it here, because I knew it couldn't be legal. They swore it was legal, but also wouldn't tell how they did it.

Because he wasn't smart enough to buy a damn bicycle.

If you absolutely have to drive a Kei, the N Box series is not a bad choice...

Anybody notice that there's never more than one person wearing the device in any of the scenes?

Why the fuck is there a Formula Truck? (rhyming is for winners)

FWIW, isn't a couple hundred hours a pretty long time for general aviation?

Working under a car still sucks if you can't stand up. Especially if you don't have a clean, smooth surface where you can use a creeper.

If I was in the IDF I'd have a bayonet on my rifle at all times.

That's even more true if the ICE is FWD and not 4WD like it should be. Torque steer to death.

I bet it won't even be able to use more than 800 HP until it's doing at least 170 simply because it would need a metric shit-ton of downforce to put that power to the ground.

If you live where it snows every year, you need snow tires. Period. Right now my car is covered in three feet of snow because I've been away two weeks. The roads are basically an icerink. But as long as you've got relatively fresh snow tires (they're basically dead after more than five years), everything is fine.

The same is true for all expensive sports, especially individual sports... tennis, golf, equestrian, skiing...

For every potential T Sato there are hundreds of well-funded karters who started before 10. Even the GT Academy guys only made it because Nissan spent a ton of money on them.

Saw this few months ago. You can actually see he bent the suspension arms when he did that log grind.

Three wheels bad.

And yet every high-end Logitech mouse I've owned has had one quality problem or another...

A few tests found the car had as much lateral grip as a Ferrari 458, and was quicker around a road course than a new BMW or Mustang. Lago wants to make his '240SS' faster. I just want him to keep preaching its low weight, simple design ethos.

Less torque, and it weighs damn nice twice as much as an aluminum pushrod V8 with more weight up top (and front, and back) despite having less than half as much displacement. And the V8 will get better mileage.